
Method Report.EnableEmailReporting

Enables Reporting to E-Mail address(es), if operation is not possible creates only local file


Function ZAP.Report.EnableEmailReporting ( 
    String Addresses,
    Boolean RemoveLocalReport [Optional],
    String SmtpServer [Optional],
    Integer SmtpServerPort [Optional],
    Boolean SmtpEnableSsl [Optional],
    String SmtpUsername [Optional],
    String SmtpPassword [Optional],
    String FromField [Optional], 
    Boolean OverwriteGlobalConfiguration [Optional]



Type: String

Comma-separated E-Email address(es) of recipients

RemoveLocalReport (optional)

Type: Boolean

Default Value: False

Removes local copy of the report if E-Mail successfully sent to all recipients

SmtpServer (optional)

Type: String

Default Value: Current value of SMTP Server

SMTP Server

SmtpServerPort (optional)

Type: String

Default Value: Current value of SMTP Server Port

SMTP Server Port

SmtpEnableSsl (optional)

Type: Boolean

Default Value: True or Current value of Current SMTP Configuration if SMTP is not set here

Use SSL protocol

SmtpUsername (optional)

Type: String

Default Value: Current value of SMTP Username

SMTP Username, leave null or empty if it's not necessary

SmtpPassword (optional)

Type: String

Default Value: Current value of SMTP Password

SMTP Password, leave null or empty if it's not necessary

FromField (optional)

Type: String

Default Value: First E-Mail from Address field

From field of E-Mail. If it sets to null or empty will use first E-Mail address

OverwriteGlobalConfiguration (optional)

Type: Boolean

Default Value: False

Overwrite default configuration with these setting


No return value



'enable email reporting
Zap.Report.EnableEmailReporting "[email protected]"
'use optional parameters
Zap.Report.EnableEmailReporting "[email protected]", false, "smtp.server.com", 465, true, "user", "password", "J. Smith", false


// enable email reporting
Zap.Report.EnableEmailReporting("[email protected]");
// use optional parameters
Zap.Report.EnableEmailReporting("[email protected]", false, "smtp.server.com", 465, true, "user", "password", "J. Smith", false);

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