
⬇️ The main purpose of test automation is to identify software errors and repair them before a project moves on to another phase or reaches the end-user. A successful test automation process takes less time and produces software that behaves and delivers functionality as intended. Read more here: https://www.zaptest.com/what-is-test-… ____ ❓ Question … Is your company in need of Enterprise Level Any-task Automation? If so, ZAPTEST can Help! With Our Enterprise License, we offer: . Any-Task Software Automation . Unlimited Licenses . A Fixed-Budget Expenditure . Full-Time Certified Implementation . Up to 10X ROI on Your Testing! . Dedicated ZAP Expert working remotely, as part of your team ✅ Book a Demo: https://calendly.com/zaptest/30min ✅Download the ZAPTEST FREE Edition: https://www.zaptest.com/onboarding